
#73 John Thwaites – SDG’s, sustainability & collaboration

We had a compelling conversation with John Thwaites on Humans of Purpose Podcast Episode #73 this week. John is Chair at ClimateWorks Australia and the Monash Sustainable Development Institute. He’s one of six Co-Chairs of the Leadership Council of the global Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). During John’s political career, he was central to several major … Read more

#72 Richard Hames – The Future, Civic Institutions & Reflections

We’re thrilled to have Richard Hames joining us on Podcast Episode #72. Richard is an entrepreneur, strategic futurist, mentor and author. He is the Founder and Executive Director at the Centre for the Future, Founding Partner at Hames McGregor + Partners, Chairman of the Asian Foresight Institute, an elected Fellow of the World Academy of Art … Read more

#69 Felicity Furey – STEM, Enthusiasm & Peak Performance

Podcast Episode #69 guest is the stellar Felicity Furey. She’s Co-Founder of Power of Engineering and Machinam. She’s a social entrepreneur, engineer, and sought after speaker. In the conversation, you’ll hear all about the fierce work she is doing in STEM and education spaces. Echoing some of the sentiments of last week’s podcast guest, Ally Watson (Code Like A … Read more

Creating Social Impact at Oscar Hunt

Social Impact Results We are now more than six months (half way) into our Social Impact Program at Oscar Hunt here are some of the key findings at staff level from our mid-point evaluation. More qualitative feedback from a range of program stakeholders is included later in this article. In mid-2017, Purposeful commenced piloting our … Read more

Key Drivers Influencing Future Business

Society is changing rapidly and directors’ understanding of the changing context and drivers of future business are key to embracing and integrating a truly adaptive mindset. Whilst, there are a range of factors and trends that come into play to create the environment of uncertainty that we face today; the following key drivers go some … Read more

The Pressures of Doing Good

Doing good is a hot topic. We are increasingly seeing company espousing Corporate Social Responsibility to Shared Value, and now Human Social Responsibility. The Giving Australia Report 2016 presents outstanding accomplishments between business and charity in the 15/16 financial year. Growth of corporate giving in Australia In total, $17.5 billion was invested across community organisations which … Read more

Is your not for profit partnership ready?

In an environment of increased funding pressures, greater competition and regulation, not for profits (NFPs) must be able to collaborate effectively to mutual advantage. Partnerships are a great vehicle for collaboration and can enable NFPs to combine areas of strength for a shared purpose and set of outcomes. However, before jumping into partnerships at the … Read more