
#65 Dr Lea Waters PhD – Positive Psychology, Growth & Action

We are so honoured to introduce the influential Dr Lea Waters PhD on Podcast Episode #65. Lea is Professor and Founding Director of the Positive Psychology Centre at the University of Melbourne and has been there for over 20 years. She is also President of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), a registered psychologist, a TEDx speaker, … Read more

Millennials Are Purpose-Driven And Social Impact Focused

In October 2017, we premiered the following film for Mike’s keynote presentation at the Third Sector Live conference. Our aim was to produce an honest portrayal of what our compassionate and purpose-driven millennials want from their work and life. We found that millennials are leading designer lives, that are purpose-driven and focused on creating a positive social … Read more

Motivate Your Team With Purpose

If you’ve returned from your holiday break and noticed a lethargic office atmosphere, low levels of engagement and general lull, you’re not alone! Return to work periods often coincide with steady increases in sick days, poor employee engagement and generally lower motivation levels to achieve the purpose of the business. So what is behind this … Read more